Make flashcards to capture all of your knowledge, aka anything you learn about the test.
Terminology note
On this page, and elsewhere in the lightweight LSAT, I use this format to describe flashcards:
"Side A" / "Side B"
I strongly recommend using Anki, an open-source program that helps you review your flashcards efficiently using spaced repetition.
Go here to download Anki
Anki tips
This comic explains how spaced repetition systems like Anki help you learn better.
This video can help you figure out what the Anki settings do and how you can adjust them. The official manual is also useful.
Memorize everything you can
If something about the test is memorizable, memorize it. Memorizing will save you precious time and brain-power on test day.
When you learn on this page that there are 3 families of reasoning questions, then you can make a flashcard to make sure that knowledge sticks in your brain:
"What are the 3 families of reasoning questions?" / "(1) argue; (2) describe; and (3) infer"
When you review that card you may realize that you don't actually understand the differences. That tells you that you have more reading to do, and more flashcards to make, perhaps like:
"What distinguishes the describe family from the argue family?" / "You won't have to criticize the argument on describe Qs"
Keep flashcards simple
As a general rule, stick to one idea per card.
Simpler cards makes it easier to test your knowledge. When you review, it will be more obvious when you get it wrong. Meaning, simple flashcards make it easier to be honest with yourself.
Skills are hard to memorize
To memorize a skill, consider using the format: "When I see X / I will do Y."
For more complex skills, consider making a checklist instead of a flashcard.
Law School Connection
I wish I'd known about Anki before law school. You'll look like a savant in class if you make 1-3 flashcards about the (a) holding, (b) key facts, and (c) core reasoning for every case you read.